



1. 黃明輝等人,(2016),TAROGE射电望远镜简介,天文學進展,刊印中。

2. J. W. Nam,et al., (7/2016), Design and implementation of the TAROGE experiment, Int'l J. of Modern Physics D,

3. P. Allison, et al., for ARA collaboration, (4/25/2016) Performance of two Askaryan Radio Array stations and first results in the search for ultra-high energy neutrinos, Phys. Rev. D 93, 082003

4. 黃明輝等人,(8/2015)箱型與圓錐太陽爐的原理與製作,物理教育學刊,16(1),23-32。

5. 黃明輝(3/2015)融入21世紀就業技能的通識教育 -- 以科學素養為例,輔仁大學全人教育學報,13, 35-56

6. Y.-Y. Chang, …M.A. Huang, …for UFFO collaboration, (1/21/2015), Inverted-conical light guide for crosstalk reduction in tightly-packed scintillator matrix and MAPMT assembly, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A, 771, 55-65, [ SCI, IF= 1.316]

7. J.E Kim, …M.A. Huang, …for UFFO collaboration, (7/24/2013),  Readout of the UFFO Slewing Mirror Telescope to detect UV/optical photons from Gamma-Ray Bursts, J. Inst., 8, P07012 ; doi:10.1088/1748-0221/8/07/P07012 [SCI, IF=1.869 ];

8. I.H. Park, …M-H A Huang, … et al, (02/20/2013), Ultra-Fast Flash Observatory for the observation of early photons from gamma-ray bursts, New J. Phys. 15, 023031 ; [SCI, IF=4.177 ];  Selected as “Highlights of 2013” by NJP

9. J.W. Nam for UFFO collaboration, (1/10/2013), The UFFO Slewing Mirror Telescope for Early Optical Observations from Gamma Ray Bursts, Modern Physics Letters A, 28, 1340003, (2013); Proc. of The first LeCosPA symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 2/6~9/2012), pp. 274-281, "Towards Ultimate Understanding of the Universe", Ed. P. Chen, (World Sci. Pub. Singapore, 2012), ISBN: 978-981-4449-36-6 )

10. S. Jeong, for UFFO collaboration, (01/28/2013), Slewing Mirror Telescope Optics for the Early Observation of UV/optical Photons from Gamma-Ray Bursts, Optics Express, 21, 2263-2278 [SCI, Top 5% , IF 3.546];  Selected as “Spotlight on Optics for March 2013” by the Optical Society

11. Jiwoo Nam for UFFO collaboration, (01/20/2013), The UFFO slewing mirror for early optical observation o from gamma ray bursts, Modern Physic Lett. A, 28:1340003; [SCI, IF=1.083]

12. 黃明輝,(07/2012),水瓶側孔噴柱的壓力與射程的迷思,物理教育學刊,13(1), 33-40

13. P. Allison, et al., for ARA collaboration, (2/2012), Design and Initial Performance of the Askaryan Radio Array Prototype EeV Neutrino Detector at the South Pole, Astropart. Phys., 35:457-477;  [SCI, IF=3.216]

14. M. S. Bandstra, for NCT collaboration, (9/01/2011) Detection and Imaging of the Crab Nebula with the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Astrophys. J., 738, 8;  [SCI, IF=6.024]

1. 薛康琳、黃明輝,(2016/6),儲能裝置新進展,物理雙月刊,38/3: 18-23

2. 黃明輝,(2016/6),未來能源與減碳,物理雙月刊,38/3: 24-27

3. 黃明輝,(2014/12) ,台灣日照量高低的爭議,科技報導,396: 10-13,2014年12月號

4. 黃明輝,(2013/12),能源教育的迷失概念,科技報導,384:10-12,2013年12月號

5. 黃明輝,(2013/04),從末日流言談科學素養,科技報導,376:14-16,2013年4月號

6. 黃明輝,(2012/12),天外飛來的輻射,科學月刊,43: 930-934

7. 黃明輝,(2012/8),天外飛來的輻射序列活動,物理雙月刊,34: 265-268

8. 黃明輝,(2012/8),破解2012末日預言,物理雙月刊,34: 274-282

9. 黃明輝,(2012/5),從太陽到地面:與太空天氣有關的科與幻,臺北星空(天文館期刊),56: 28-36

10. 黃明輝,(2012/2),從日心到地心:與微中子有關的科與幻,臺北星空(天文館期刊),55: 16-23

11. 黃明輝,(2011/11),與天文有關的科與幻,臺北星空(天文館期刊),54: 8-18

12. 黃明輝,(2011/8),宇宙線的世紀探索,臺北星空(天文館期刊),53: 16-22

13. 黃明輝,(2011/8),天外飛來的輻射,臺北星空(天文館期刊),53: 8-15

14. 黃明輝,(2011/6),宇宙線的研究與應用,物理雙月刊,33: 271-276

15. 黃明輝,(2011/6),台灣的宇宙線的研究,物理雙月刊,33: 277-283


1. 黃明輝 (2014年03月03日)《從21世紀技能與PISA看通識教育》載於(黃明輝主編) 2013聯合大學通識教育研討會論文集(1-7)。國立聯合大學。苗栗市,奇真企業,ISBN:978-986-04-0653-5。

2. 黃明輝 (2012年08月01日) 《與天文有關的科與幻》,收錄於柯華葳 (編著),《論情說理、說明文選》 (晨讀10分鐘序列第23冊,頁220-232)。台北市:天下雜誌公司,ISBN:978-986-241-561-0。


1. 黃明輝, “High Energy Neutrino and Cosmic-Ray Physics (高能中微子与宇宙射线物理)”, 2016 Xinjiang Summer Program on Astroparticle Physics (XApP 2016), (7/07 ~ 7/13, 2016) 中國科學院新疆天文台主辦,烏魯木齊市新疆省。(三場各80分的專題演講)

2. M.A. Huang, J. Nam , T-C Liu, C-C Chen, P. Chen, TAROGE: a prototype radio detector for Detection of UHECR and Earth skimming UHE-Nu, invited talk at the 3rd LHAASO collaboration meeting, (IHEP, Beijing, China) (Dec 9-11, 2013)

3.  M.A. Huang, Nuclear Compton Telescope: A New Compact Compton Telescope for MeV Gamma rays, The 2nd APCosPA Winter School/Workshop, (NTU, Taipei, Taiwan) (January 27, 2011).